Quantum Particles: Quarks

In the core of every atom is a nucleus consisting of one or more protons, and (except for hydrogen) some neutrons as well.  Protons and neutrons are responsible for most of the mass of an atom.  The electrons “orbit” around this central nucleus, generally in equal numbers to the protons, which makes the overall atom electrically neutral.  Electrons are elementary – meaning they are not made of any smaller particles.  But protons and neutrons are composite particles; they are made of smaller particles called quarks. 

Quantum Particles: Leptons

The electron is merely one member of a group of particles called leptons.  The term lepton comes from the Greek and means “small,” or “thin” and refers to the extremely low mass of leptons.  The electron, for example, is 1800 times less massive than a proton.  

Quantum Particles: An Introduction

Quantum physics deals with how the universe behaves at very small scales – on the level of atoms and smaller.  And it’s weird: very weird.  Particles that are smaller than atoms do not behave in exactly the same way as the much larger objects to which we are accustomed.  This makes quantum physics one of the most intriguing areas of research, and one which declares the glory and majesty of the Lord.

UFOs and Extra-Terrestrial Life

As an astronomer, I spend a great deal of time outside at night looking up. I have seen many wonderful things in the night sky. And I am often asked if I have ever seen a UFO. Before I answer that question, it is always helpful to define our terms. What is a UFO?

Jesus: The Lord

A critic commented on one of our webcasts on logic. He apparently believes that Jesus is not God. That’s a problem because declaring Jesus as Lord (as Yahweh) is a requirement for salvation (Romans 10:9-13; Joel 2:32). Let’s examine Jake’s (not necessarily his real name) comments in purple text with my response in black text.