by Dr. Jason Lisle | Jun 22, 2018 | Origins
Was there an ice age? In most public schools, students are taught that there have been at least five major ice ages in Earth’s multi-billion-year history. The last one is claimed to have started 2.58 million years ago, and then retreated about 10,000 years ago. Obviously, this timescale is incompatible with biblical history. Nonetheless, there is scientific evidence for one ice age that occurred within the biblical timescale. The real ice age occurred shortly after the global flood and lasted a few hundred years.
by Dr. Jason Lisle | Jun 8, 2018 | Apologetics, Theology
Is it possible that the church has not been as effective as it could be because we have ignored an important biblical truth? Is there a secret formula to reaching the lost? I suggest there is. And it’s been right there in the text of Scripture all along.
by Dr. Jason Lisle | Jun 1, 2018 | Apologetics, Origins, Theology
Christians rightly recognize the Gospel as an essential Christian doctrine. This vital principle has its roots in the literal history of Genesis. Unfortunately, some professing Christians mishandle Genesis. They interpret its message in an unnatural way to accommodate secular beliefs about origins such as “millions of years” or particles-to-people evolution. These compromised views reduce the Gospel to incoherent nonsense.