Become a Partner or Supporter

Choose a Level

Partners Get Instant Access to the Forum

Level Price Action
BSI Supporter [5]

$5.00 per Month.

BSI Supporter [10]

$10.00 per Month.

BSI Standard Partner

$20.00 per Month.

BSI Gold Partner

$40.00 per Month.

BSI Platinum Partner

$60.00 per Month.

BSI Diamond Partner

$100.00 per Month.


One Time Donation

Any Amount


Or send a check to:
Biblical Science Institute
P.O. Box 60862
Colorado Springs, CO 80960

The Biblical Science Institute is funded by the donations of supporters and partners.  Partners contribute $20 or more per month and enjoy special privileges.  Foremost among these, partners receive immediate access to our online Partners Forum, in which they can ask questions, share apologetic experiences and ideas, and generally encourage other believers.  Dr. Lisle will answer as many of these questions as possible, but will also ask other creation scientists to weigh in.  And we encourage other partners who have studied these issues to help answer questions as well.  The forum also allows ministry partners to ask questions to be answered in our upcoming video podcasts.  Other partnership perks will be introduced over time.

If the Lord has blessed you financially, please consider a larger donation.  On the other hand, if you are unable to give $20 per month, please consider becoming a ministry supporter by financially contributing a smaller amount, either monthly or as a one-time gift.  Even a modest donation blesses us, and helps us to proclaim the Gospel.

When you contribute financially to the Biblical Science Institute, you make it possible for us to reach people with the truth of God’s Word.  By becoming a supporter or partner, you join our team in producing the broadcasts, books, articles, and videos, and you also help with ongoing research efforts.  While $20 a month might not sound like much, just knowing that you stand with us is a tremendous blessing.


Can I cancel my membership or change partnership levels at any time?
Yes.  Hover over the “Forum” tab at the top of the page, and select “Partnership-account” from the drop-down menu.  This will show your current membership level.  Under this level are the “change” and “cancel” options.  Click on the one you want.

My credit card is about to expire.  How do I update it?
If you contribute by PayPal, log into your PayPal account and update your credit card information there.
Otherwise, hover over the Forum tab, and click on “Partnership-account.”  Then click on “Update Billing Info.”
Fill in the information, and click “Update.”

Can I contribute by check?
Yes.  Send check to:
Biblical Science Institute
PO Box 60862
Colorado Springs, CO 80960

Can I get access to the online forum if I pay by monthly check?
Yes, if you contribute $20 or more monthly.  However, you must e-mail us with your selected username, and we will set up an account for you.

Are donations or partnerships tax deductible?
Not at this time.