by Dr. Jason Lisle | Mar 27, 2020 | Astronomy
Mercury is a little planet with big implications. Appearing much like Earth’s moon, this small world is barren, cratered, rocky, and lifeless. It is a world of extremes, with temperatures on the day side reaching 800 degrees Fahrenheit, and temperatures on the night side dropping to 280 degrees below zero. The smallest of the eight classical planets, Mercury frustrates secular thinking, but confirms the creativity of the Lord.
by Dr. Jason Lisle | Mar 20, 2020 | Astronomy
The sun is a creation of God to give light upon the Earth and to govern the day and separate light from dark. And the sun does exactly these things. It illuminates the Earth and governs the day by determining its boundary; if the sun is above the horizon, it is day, otherwise it is night. But the way in which the sun fulfills its God-ordained role is fascinating, and altogether unexpected.
by Dr. Jason Lisle | Mar 13, 2020 | Astronomy
The solar system is a delightful example of the creativity of the Lord. It is beautiful and interesting, and a wonderful example of how the Lord hides fascinating truths in nature for us to discover over time. We know so much about the solar system today, and it is far different and more interesting than our ancestors could have ever imagined.