by Dr. Jason Lisle | Sep 29, 2017 | Origins, Refuting the Critics
In part 1 we began exploring the misrepresentations and logical fallacies in the evolutionist article entitled “15 Answers to Creationist Nonsense.” We have seen that the critic is very unfamiliar with what creation scientists actually teach. In part 2, we see that this trend has continued.
by Dr. Jason Lisle | Sep 22, 2017 | Origins, Refuting the Critics
Recently, someone sent me a link to an article appearing in Scientific American – a popular science magazine. The article was extremely revealing, but not in the way the author probably intended. The article exhibited a very common problem we often see among evolutionists: ignorance of creation literature.
by Dr. Jason Lisle | Sep 15, 2017 | Logic, Theology
A thorough knowledge of logic can be immensely helpful in our own reasoning, or when reasoning with others. But in addition to any pragmatic advantage, we have a moral obligation to be logical. Thinking rightly is not optional for the Christian. It is something God requires of us.
by Dr. Jason Lisle | Sep 8, 2017 | Genetics, Origins
Genetics is the science of heredity: the study of how traits are passed on from organisms to their descendants. It is perhaps the most relevant field of science to the issue of creation and evolution. Which position on origins is most consistent with our modern understanding of genetics? Do all organisms on earth share a common ancestor as Charles Darwin believed? Or do all organisms trace back to a large number of separately created kinds which are not biologically related to other kinds? Can the science of genetics shed light on these questions?
by Dr. Jason Lisle | Sep 1, 2017 | Apologetics, Astronomy, Origins, Refuting the Critics
Our conversation today comes from Bret, who has some concerns about parallax, the speed of light, and has criticized me for believing that God created in six literal days. Bret seems to have been heavily influenced by the teachings of Hugh Ross, and asks how there could have been ordinary days before the sun was created. I enjoyed our dialogue, and hope that you will too!