Introduction to Logic

Logic is the study of the principles of correct reasoning.  Christians have a moral obligation to reason properly and to recognize that all knowledge is ultimately from God.

Paperback: 192 pages

The Biblical Basis for the Laws of Logic

Laws of logic are the rules of correct reasoning. They reflect the way God thinks and the way we must think if we are to think correctly. Laws of logic are also called “rules of inference.” Correct reasoning can never violate a law of logic. There are many laws of logic. But three are considered the most basic or primary.

Logic: Enthymemes

An enthymeme is an argument in which one of the premises or the conclusion is not explicitly stated. Usually, this is because the unstated claim is obvious. Enthymemes are perfectly acceptable if used properly. But sometimes, they can be used incorrectly to draw a false conclusion. So, understanding enthymemes can be extremely useful in apologetics.

Logic: The Importance of Definitions

One of the most important tools in logical reasoning is a dictionary. Correct reasoning requires that we use words properly – according to their meaning. Failure to use words correctly often results in miscommunication, but it can also result in errors in reasoning.