Logic: The Importance of Definitions

One of the most important tools in logical reasoning is a dictionary. Correct reasoning requires that we use words properly – according to their meaning. Failure to use words correctly often results in miscommunication, but it can also result in errors in reasoning.

Logic: Our Moral Obligation

A thorough knowledge of logic can be immensely helpful in our own reasoning, or when reasoning with others. But in addition to any pragmatic advantage, we have a moral obligation to be logical. Thinking rightly is not optional for the Christian. It is something God requires of us.

A Refutation of Phillip Dennis’s Claims Regarding Alleged Inconsistencies in ASC

Did Phillip Dennis actually disprove the conventionality thesis (Dennis 2024)?  Did he really prove at long last what physicists over the last century have been unable to do – to establish that the one-way speed of light in any given direction must be the same as the round-trip speed of light?  Did he find any genuine inconsistency with the Anisotropic Synchrony Convention (ASC) and the young universe model upon which it is based?  Well, no to all of the above…. We show below that when the full synchrony-independent equations are used, they do not support Dennis’s conclusion but rather the opposite.  Furthermore, we will demonstrate several critical errors in Dennis’s analysis and show that several of his claims are incompatible with the physics of relativity.


Presuppositional Apologetics Exploring what the Bible teaches about its own defense Biblical Authority Apologetics What is presuppositional apologetics? The word ‘apologetics’ refers to giving a rational defense of the faith – in this case, the Christian Faith. It is...