How do I Know that I Know? – a Response (Part 1)

Having had several years to think about the conundrum, Howe has provided a response to my question. He posted an article on his blog on June 18, 2020 entitled “How do I know that I know?” I appreciate the effort and I will respond here in the same iron-sharpening-iron spirit. Has Howe provided a satisfactory answer to the epistemological challenge? His article is in purple text, with my comments in black.

Presuppositional Apologetics

Apologetics is the defense of the Christian Faith. According to 1 Peter 3:15, when unbelievers ask a Christian to give an explanation for why he or she believes in Christ, the Christian should be ready to give a rational defense of the Christian worldview. The Greek word translated as “defense” or “answer” in this verse is ‘apologia,’ which is where we get the term apologetics. However, Christians often disagree on what is the best way of defending the faith. Consequently, there are several different methods of apologetics.

Natural Selection – Part 1

What exactly is natural selection? Is it the same as evolution? Does it really occur? And who came up with the idea? Unfortunately, a few creationists have greatly misunderstood natural selection, and have used faulty arguments to try to convince others of their misunderstanding. It is important that we understand this topic properly, both from a scientific perspective and from a biblical perspective, so that we do not inadvertently promote error.

Is the Earth Really Round?

In 1957, the Soviet Union launched Sputnik, the first manmade object to achieve earth orbit. People all over the world could see this satellite as it passed overhead. Sputnik was equipped with radio antennas to broadcast a series of pulses which could be detected by amateur radios. In the years that followed, many other spacecraft – some manned, some unmanned – were placed in earth orbit. Many of these took photographs of the earth. For the first time, human beings were able to see pictures of the earth from above. These pictures confirmed what the Bible had taught millennia earlier; the earth is round and hangs upon nothing (Job 26:7,10).

A Round Earth, Natural Selection, and Dinosaurs

What do a round Earth, natural selection, and dinosaurs have in common? They are all things that are demonstrably true and biblical that some professing Christians deny. All of these things are mentioned or implied in Scripture. And they are scientifically provable. Yet, some Christians claim that such things are false or even anti-biblical! When Christians deny things that are observable, provable, and biblical, it is dishonoring to the Lord and makes unbelievers less likely to embrace the Christian worldview.