The Christmas Star

What was the star that led the wise men to Christ? Was it a conjunction of planets, a comet, a supernova, a moon, an angel, or something else? Opinions abound, but many of them do not fit the details of the biblical text. What does the Bible have to say about this star?

“To be” or not “to be”

The gap theory is the erroneous belief that there is an unmentioned gap of time between Genesis 1:1 and 1:2. Gap theorists would like to translate verse 2 “And the earth became without form and void…” instead of “And the earth was without form and void.” Can the word really be interpreted this way?

Beware of Philosophy!

A colleague of mine once said, “Stay away from philosophy. The Bible says that philosophy is bad and that we should avoid it.” But does the Bible really say that? What exactly is philosophy, and what does the Bible really say about it?

The Problem of Pain

*Guest article by Jason Churchill.
“How could you possibly believe in God with all the suffering in the world?” Have you ever encountered a question like this? I was recently asked a very similar question by my sister as we sat across from one another in her living room. “How could you possibly believe in God with what you are going through?”