Stellar Astronomy: Part 8 – Stellar Clusters and Populations

Stars often exist as binary pairs – two or more stars that orbit their common center of mass.  However, even larger numbers of stars can exist in close proximity to each other – a star cluster – which can consist of hundreds to hundreds of thousands of stars.  Single stars, binaries, and star clusters exist as part of a much larger structure – a galaxy – which can contain millions to trillions of stars.  Furthermore, the composition of stars varies slightly in a way that depends on where they are found.

A Big Bang – Part 3

In our previous article, we investigated the standard model (the big bang) on scientific grounds. We found that the big bang is not scientific in the sense that none of its major steps have been verified by the scientific method. However, there are things that are reasonable and true that cannot be verified by science. So we must ask, is the big bang reasonable? Are there good reasons to believe it despite its lack of scientific verification?