by Dr. Jason Lisle | Jan 24, 2020 | Theology
In the previous article we defined the doctrine of the Trinity in terms of three principles. Then we proceeded to show that the Bible clearly teaches the first principle of the Trinity: that there is one and only one God. Having established this, we now move on to ask if the second principle of the Trinity is biblical.
by Dr. Jason Lisle | Jan 10, 2020 | Theology
If we are to have a correct understanding of God, then we must accept what God has said about Himself. This is why the Trinity is an essential Christian doctrine. Many people deny what the Bible says about God’s nature, and instead place their faith in a god they have produced from their own imagination – a god that is easier to understand. The problem is, an imaginary god cannot save you. Only the real God can. And the real God is Triune.