“To be” or not “to be”

The gap theory is the erroneous belief that there is an unmentioned gap of time between Genesis 1:1 and 1:2. Gap theorists would like to translate verse 2 “And the earth became without form and void…” instead of “And the earth was without form and void.” Can the word really be interpreted this way?

Formless and Void

Our critic this week is Joel who has responded to my article on the gap theory.  Joel argues that there must be a gap of time between verses one and two of Genesis 1 on the basis of the phrase “without form and void” used in Genesis 1:2.  Although I already...

The Gap Theory

The gap theory was one of the earlier attempts to reconcile the secular belief in deep time (millions of years) with the biblical timescale of around 6000 years. The gap theory does not stand up to scrutiny and has been thoroughly refuted.