Denying Eternity

In a previous article, I examined the biblical teaching of hell.  Though it is unpleasant (as is necessarily the nature of punishment), it demonstrates the perfect justice of God.  We all have a tendency to minimize how heinous our sin really is, and how holy God is.  We cannot fully appreciate salvation in Christ until we recognize just how severe a punishment we really deserve.  Many people reject the idea of unbelievers spending eternity in the Lake of Fire, but such rejection is always due to emotional preferences, not biblical exegesis.  Consequently, a few people posted on Facebook their disagreements with my article.  Here are two of them along with my response.

Jesus: The Lord

A critic commented on one of our webcasts on logic. He apparently believes that Jesus is not God. That’s a problem because declaring Jesus as Lord (as Yahweh) is a requirement for salvation (Romans 10:9-13; Joel 2:32). Let’s examine Jake’s (not necessarily his real name) comments in purple text with my response in black text.

The Historical Adam – Part 8: Closing Remarks

In this final segment, we continue to critique William Lane Craig’s claim that Genesis 1-11 is mytho-history. The New Testament often quotes from the Old Testament as if the events recorded therein actually happened. Craig attempted to show that some such references may not be endorsing the historicity of such events, but merely using them as literary illustrations. However, none of the examples he provided suggested anything other than a reference to actual historical events. There is nothing wrong with using a fictional story to illustrate a point. But there is no evidence that any biblical author thought of Genesis as anything but straightforward history.

The Historical Adam – Part 7: New Testament References

In analyzing William Lane Craig’s comments on Genesis in his recent article in First Things, we have seen that when New Testament authors quote or allude to Old Testament passages (including Genesis 1-11), they do so as if these events really occurred and often with consequences for our present world. This would seem to be further evidence that Genesis 1-11 is historical narrative, as the text itself indicates along with its context.