Biblical Principles of Education

The Purpose of Education

What is the purpose of education? Who is supposed to do the educating? What topics should be covered? What should be the end result of education? Do we have any moral obligations in how we educate our children or are we free to choose any method whatsoever?

Education and the Myth of Neutrality

Some will say, “Ah, but public schools are at least not anti-Christian.  They are neutral.  They teach the raw facts: the mechanics of reading, writing, and arithmetic.  At home and in church, we teach our children about God.”  This undoubtedly is the attitude of many professing Christians.  But it is horribly unbiblical.  Nothing in this universe is neutral with respect to God.

Education: Objections to Biblical Principles

What is the most important aspect of rearing children? Is it ensuring that their physical needs (food, clothing, shelter, medical care) are provided? Is it teaching them skills necessary for them to provide for themselves and their family when they become adults? Is it learning social skills? Is it inculcating a good work ethic? Is it ensuring that they feel loved and safe?

Education and Practical Objections

In the last article, we looked at two objections in which Christians defend placing their children in a secular school, and we found that these did not stand up to scrutiny. In this article we will examine practical objections that many Christians raise as to why they think government schooling is acceptable or even better for their children than homeschooling or Christian education.